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Lirik Lagu AFI-Third Season
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AFI-Third Season

Lirik Lagu AFI-Third Season di Posting Oleh : Data Lirik

[ Intro Lagu AFI-Third Season ]

It’s gonna take you by surprise as it rises.
Can you feel the pulse?
Can you feel the heat rising from below?
Can you feel the energy gaining strength, oh so slowly?
But i’ll wait…i’ll wait…till the seasons change.
i’ll wait…i’ll wait… till the fall comes.
And i’ll give you a mirthless laugh.
Can you see the signs?
Can you see the changing of the winds?
Can you sense the stillness in the air?
Calm will remain…oh so shortly.
But i’ll wait…till the seasons change.
i’ll wait…till the fall comes.

[ Ending AFI-Third Season ]

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