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Lirik Lagu AFI-Three Reasons
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AFI-Three Reasons

Lirik Lagu AFI-Three Reasons di Posting Oleh : Data Lirik

[ Intro Lagu AFI-Three Reasons ]

Where were you? Say you were gone?
Well, ask me and I’ll swear you were there all along.
Another place? Another state?
At any rate, I can’t relate.
There’s no two ways, you’re a disgrace.
Drown down your fear, suffocate every spark of clarity.
Your weakness: sickens me, saddens me, strengthens me.
There’s no way to free responsibility.
Who’s to blame? Who’s in the wrong?
The truth from which you hide – it was you all along.
You were there, you didn’t care,
and your heart and mind were self impaired.
Now, all that’s left is our despair.

[ Ending AFI-Three Reasons ]

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