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Lirik Lagu CHILDREN OF BODOM – Bodom After Midnight
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CHILDREN OF BODOM – Bodom After Midnight

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[ Intro Lagu CHILDREN OF BODOM – Bodom After Midnight ]

(Hang on) got to go
Preview what they oughtta know
Keep your head down and fucking die
(Wake up) rise and shine
Gotta take another pint
Dig heads and watch out for the night
When the sun comes down and the moon comes up in the sky
The battle of the day and the night

(Kill, kill, kill) go fuck another one
Candlelight burns in a wood so high
On a carpet (flying high) take it down to the other side
The way beyond it may lie
When the moon comes up and is rescuing under the night
The reaper is on the other side, let’s go

Bodom after midnight
Bodom after midnight yeah

[ Ending CHILDREN OF BODOM – Bodom After Midnight ]

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