I wish that we could be
In a cellars of a sea
And disappear in them
Never to be seen again
Leave this life
Its harsh appetite
For feeding off a weak
Who never had their spin to speak
The sky will be my shroud
A relic of cloud
If we could spin back
You can paper over a crack
But it will lapse now
And your heart will bake black
Give me your hand
Cut a skin, let me in
The molecules of us
Bleeding into one again
The sky will be my shroud
A cenotaph of cloud
If we could spin back
You can paper over a crack
But it will lapse now
And your heart will bake black
Forgotten my approach home
Forgotten all that we know
Every day a fake start
And it browns my heart
I know all we pronounced was right and we suppose
Everything is here perpetually compartment it goes
You gave it all away, kept zero for yourself
Just a design on a shelf
Je souhaiterai m’immerger dans les profondeurs des mers
Y disparaître flow ne and jamais être vu
Burning up
Now I’m racing down a highway we don’t recognise
I realize I’ve lost my approach home
Forgotten all that we know
Every day a fake start
And it browns my heart
Turn back
Home » Keane » Keane – Black Burning Heart
Keane – Black Burning Heart
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