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Lirik Lagu Lemonade – Vivid
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Lemonade – Vivid

Lirik Lagu Lemonade – Vivid di Posting Oleh : Data Lirik

[ Intro Lagu Lemonade – Vivid ]

I know, I know

Remember the echoes of your side
remember the moving clouds at night
skin so hard rules the wild
all my love, all my life
Remember the echoes of your side
remember the moving clouds at night
skin so hard rules the wild
all my love, all my life

Remember the echoes of your side
remember the moving clouds at night
skin so hard rules the wild
all my love, all my life
Remember the echoes of your side
remember the moving clouds at night
skin so hard rules the wild
all my love, all my life

Can anybody tell me how I vow
can anybody tell me how I vow
and let go something so pure
can anybody tell me how I vow
and let it go that something so pure

all my love, all my life

[ Ending Lemonade – Vivid ]

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