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Lirik Lagu 10cc - Waterfall
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10cc - Waterfall

Lirik Lagu 10cc - Waterfall di Posting Oleh : Data Lirik

[ Intro Lagu 10cc - Waterfall ]

Gonna meet you on the corner
Gonna take you out of town
Out to where the grass is greener
And no one can be found
Gonna be there in the morning
Gonna take you by the hand
Gonna get out of the city
Gonna get back to the land
Waterfall, and it's fallin' down on me
Waterfall, and it's fallin' down
But it ain't gonna let me be
Gonna be there in the morning
Gonna take you by the hand
Gonna get out of the city
Gonna get back to the land
Waterfall, and it's fallin' down on me
Waterfall, and it's fallin' down
But it ain't gonna let me be
Hey, waterfall
Hey, waterfall
Hey, waterfall
Hey, waterfall

[ Ending 10cc - Waterfall ]

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