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Lirik Lagu 36 Crazyfists - Aurora
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36 Crazyfists - Aurora

Lirik Lagu 36 Crazyfists - Aurora di Posting Oleh : Data Lirik

[ Intro Lagu 36 Crazyfists - Aurora ]

Are you comfortable with the skin you're in?
Are you screaming loud enough to be important?
Are you following the path that you thought you would or wouldn't?

It took all these nights alone.
Alone we are.
Aurora, don't leave me out.
Your lipstick-stained life is arriving.
So at ease with the night that we drove along.
From the top of the hill where we conquer.
And the stop where we claim our life, our place, forever.

In hope I speak your name for closure.
By a thread we'll hang, to never give in.
Tonight may be the last night in these shoes.

[ Ending 36 Crazyfists - Aurora ]

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