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Lirik Lagu 38 Special - Hot'lanta
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38 Special - Hot'lanta

Lirik Lagu 38 Special - Hot'lanta di Posting Oleh : Data Lirik

[ Intro Lagu 38 Special - Hot'lanta ]

I been desert hot down in Phoenix
I been smoggy hot out in L.A.
I been high 'n dry hot in Colorado
I been charred out on the Midwest Plains
I been madhatter flattened by the heat in Manhattan
I been muggy on the Mighty Miss
I been burned like a stick on Route 66
But I ain't never been this
Hot'lanta, how come you do me this way
When you're 99 in the noonday sun
And a hundred and one in the shade
Hot'lanta, I think I prefer your nights
With your cosmopolitan café women
How they do go on and on
Down in Hot'lanta
In a fuselage in a crowded sky
I was trying very hard not to think
But in a paranoid vision of the worst that could happen
I asked my stewardess "Just one more drink"
The cabin temperature had me in a blur
I was shaking by the time we touched down
We hit that tarmac
Hell bent for Mary Mac's
Back in your sizzlin' town

[ Ending 38 Special - Hot'lanta ]

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