(aaron tippin/buddy brock)
It was a quarter till three on the day that we met
Exactly nine o' five on the night that she left
Well i tried my best but i still can't forget
How good she used to be
And it's just too bad i've got a good memory
Good memories are hard to leave behind
I've got a bushel basket of 'em running through my mind
I still love her but she don't love me
And it's just too bad i've got a good memory
Lord, it's just too bad i've got a good memory
She had a front page smile and a watch-me walk
Left a love light burning that i can't turn off
Her first impression left a lasting thought
That keeps coming back to me
And it's just too bad i've got a good memory
Good memories are hard to leave behind
I've got a bushel basket of 'em running through my mind
I still love her but she don't love me
And it's just too bad i've got a good memory
Lord, it's just too bad i've got a good memory
And it's just too bad i've got a good memory
Lord, it's just too bad i've got a good memory
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Aaron Tippin - I've Got A Good Memory
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