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Lirik Lagu Accepted - Crossroads
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Accepted - Crossroads

Lirik Lagu Accepted - Crossroads di Posting Oleh : Data Lirik

[ Intro Lagu Accepted - Crossroads ]

I couldn't talk for the longest time
About the deepest fear of mine
I'm haunted by this hurting spell
To see what I can never tell - it really hurts

Who am I - what can I say
I rather turn my eyes away
I hear my conscience speak out loud
You cannot change - you're way too proud

Don't let me down - I'm standing at the crossroads
Don't let me down - I'm standing at the crossroads

You gotta know, I can read your mind
And see that you're the kind
Who's hiding pain, hiding his life
Behind a wall, a wall of pride

[ Ending Accepted - Crossroads ]

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