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Lirik Lagu 22-Pistepirkko - Big Bed
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22-Pistepirkko - Big Bed

Lirik Lagu 22-Pistepirkko - Big Bed di Posting Oleh : Data Lirik

[ Intro Lagu 22-Pistepirkko - Big Bed ]

my pa loves my ma

and she likes him too

your pa loves my ma and we love her too

I love you

and you like me too

so why don't we all go to bed

together we have mure fun

everbody loves each other

please tell this to your mother

why you always tell me no, I'm alone

your brother calls my sister

that little one

your father is in love

with your aunt Louise

and my grandpa Sam

loves my little sister

like we all do

what shall we do

so why don't we all go to bed

together we have more fun

everbody loves each other

no one will be sad

your folk said me no

aunt Louise "ou vou wou"

what my people said

they said you can go

yes I understand

your hard situation

but I never turn my back

turn my back on you

now I'm lying alone

in my big bed

now I'm lying alone

in my big bed

[ Ending 22-Pistepirkko - Big Bed ]

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