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Lirik Lagu 22-Pistepirkko - Don't Try to Tease Me
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22-Pistepirkko - Don't Try to Tease Me

Lirik Lagu 22-Pistepirkko - Don't Try to Tease Me di Posting Oleh : Data Lirik

[ Intro Lagu 22-Pistepirkko - Don't Try to Tease Me ]

don't try to tease me

like you do

don't try to tease me

like you do

I'm sick of you

and what you do

don't try to tease me


don't try to tease me

like you do

don't try to tease me

like you do

I'm sick of you

and what you do

don't try to lie to me anymore

don't try to love me

like you do

don't try to love me

like you do

I'm sick of you

and what you do

I'm sick of you

and what you do

don't try to love me

[ Ending 22-Pistepirkko - Don't Try to Tease Me ]

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