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Lirik Lagu 69 Eyes - Stigmata
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69 Eyes - Stigmata

Lirik Lagu 69 Eyes - Stigmata di Posting Oleh : Data Lirik

[ Intro Lagu 69 Eyes - Stigmata ]

See my moment rise
with a little Jesus Christ
blood is life
blood is the truth
gimme a moment, moment of you
and for Maria too.....
Stigmata- blood and gasoline
a thought of you and the fire between
stigmata- blood and gasoline
a thought of you and the fire between
See the moment to rise
in a little Jesus Christ
blood is life
blood is you
gimme a moment of the truth
and for Maria too....
Stigmata- blood......

[ Ending 69 Eyes - Stigmata ]

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