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Lirik Lagu 69 Eyes - Still Waters Run Deep
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69 Eyes - Still Waters Run Deep

Lirik Lagu 69 Eyes - Still Waters Run Deep di Posting Oleh : Data Lirik

[ Intro Lagu 69 Eyes - Still Waters Run Deep ]

Every time I hear you breathe
in the still night next to me
and your innocent heart to beat
I feel so complete
just let me listen to you gently breathe
no words do we need
let your innocent heart to speak
still waters run deep
What you say
what you do
you do it all for me and you
what I do
and what I say
I do it all to be this way
Every time I hear you breathe
in the still night next to me
and your innocent heart to beat
I feel so complete
just move a little bit closer to me
no words do we need
let your innocent heart to speak
still waters run deep
What you say.......

[ Ending 69 Eyes - Still Waters Run Deep ]

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