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Lirik Lagu Acron - Crown of Thorns
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Acron - Crown of Thorns

Lirik Lagu Acron - Crown of Thorns di Posting Oleh : Data Lirik

[ Intro Lagu Acron - Crown of Thorns ]

I'm trying to fly
migrate towards a new dimension
to forget
wash away the blood which stains me
I've seen your hands build my coffin
I've seen your mind build my end
I've seen your finger point to me
I'm the sin, dig my grave
I'll be your scapegoat
your hands are digging while I drown
let me scream while I fall
crown of thorns
I'm crawling in front of you
your hand is still, kill me
I'm marked by a crown of thorns

[ Ending Acron - Crown of Thorns ]

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