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Lirik Lagu Acron - Obsession
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Acron - Obsession

Lirik Lagu Acron - Obsession di Posting Oleh : Data Lirik

[ Intro Lagu Acron - Obsession ]

millions of images are growing in my eyes
as they vortically twist
a state of confusion absorbs my sight
feelings of claustrophobia dwell inside my shadow
hitting every obstacle
I'm breathlessly dragging myself to the goal
faded vision confuse my path
suspended in a supernatural dimension
I try to resist
paralyzed by obsession
strange eyes, unknown faces
surrounded by fears I try to escape
drowning in a sea of terror
I try to escape
by the light of just one candle
I walk through this dark dead end
symbols and screams follow my steps
while the cold wind of tragedy cuts my skin

[ Ending Acron - Obsession ]

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