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Lirik Lagu Brown Eyed Girls-Afternoon
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Brown Eyed Girls-Afternoon

Lirik Lagu Brown Eyed Girls-Afternoon di Posting Oleh : Data Lirik

[ Intro Lagu Brown Eyed Girls-Afternoon ]

Where am I?
I think I've been too exhausted
Those stories about the hard days,
They all seem like old stories now

Deep sighs, old memories,
Hard times has passed by
And now all that's left are wounded sadness
Life cannot be changed easily now

Where am I?
This place that I am standing on...
I can't think of anything.
Days that seem like lies

Your smile, your voice
Your body, your hair
Were they all lies? your tearful face...
(I lived like this)
Cold glares, sweet promises,
Scented lies that are erased
My everything, you were my everything
(My everything)

Your smile, your voice
Your body, your hair
Were they all lies? your tearful face...
(I think I'm going to go crazy)
Cold glares, sweet promises,
Scented lies that are erased
My everything, you were my everything
(My everything)

Where am I?
I think I've been too exhausted
Long and deep sadness...
Where am I...

[ Ending Brown Eyed Girls-Afternoon ]

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