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Lirik Lagu AFI-Wester
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Lirik Lagu AFI-Wester di Posting Oleh : Data Lirik

[ Intro Lagu AFI-Wester ]

I can feel you waiting for me as the sun retreats to the hills and I,
Below the blanket of a burning sky, wrap myself within.
Embraced by dead leaves as the rain leaves trails of black down my face,
And I creep through the twilight to that
hidden place beyond the lonely.
I’ll meet you tonight in the whispers when no one’s around.
Nothing can stop us now.
Tonight in the whispers where we won’t be found.
Nothing can stop us now.
I can feel you dreaming of me and the time when our steps are retraced
and I creep through the twilight to that hidden place,
beyond the lonely, I’ll meet you.
Beneath a dream, lost in a dream tonight.

[ Ending AFI-Wester ]

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