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Lirik Lagu AIR SUPPLY – Come To Me
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[ Intro Lagu AIR SUPPLY – Come To Me ]

Come to me, that’s all that I remember
Won’t you come to me, before I fade away
Oh, if you come to me and wrap me in your splendour
Come to me and let the music play

Here we are, how did we come so far
Just tell me how you are, I need to know
Night has come to see the senses run
And every single one, we all must show

And when you feel the flood upon the waters edge
And take the leap from bitter sweet
Do you believe, do you believe
Do you still believe

Come to me, that’s all that I remember
Won’t you come to me, before I fade away
Oh, if you come to me and wrap me in your splendour
Come to me and let the music play

In the sea of those eyes, in the fall of the rise
There is no compromise

Come to me, that’s all that I remember
Won’t you come to me, before I fade away
Oh, if you come to me and wrap me in your splendour
Come to me and let the music play

[ Ending AIR SUPPLY – Come To Me ]

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