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Lirik Lagu ANATHEMA – We, The Gods
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ANATHEMA – We, The Gods

Lirik Lagu ANATHEMA – We, The Gods di Posting Oleh : Data Lirik

[ Intro Lagu ANATHEMA – We, The Gods ]

How can you climb a mountain to kill a God?
Why do you cross unknown lands, to kill our Gods?
Why do you build walls…. to starve our Gods?

Is it for the same reason you blind us?
Is this why you punish our children?
And rape our sisters?

When will we drown?
When will we burn?
Will you die with us? I think so

You are slicing your own wrists
You are tearing out your own hearts
And you are drowning your own children

So you can end it
……. Or we will

We are telling them the truth
And revealing all your lies
We do not need to climb a mountain
Or to cross unknown lands…..
……. Because we are Gods
And we will drown you
We will burn your homes

We the people, we the spirits, we the Gods.

[ Ending ANATHEMA – We, The Gods ]

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