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Lirik Lagu EMINEM feat. Zoe – Bitch (Skit)
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EMINEM feat. Zoe – Bitch (Skit)

Lirik Lagu EMINEM feat. Zoe – Bitch (Skit) di Posting Oleh : Data Lirik

[ Intro Lagu EMINEM feat. Zoe – Bitch (Skit) ]

[Zoe on telephone]
It’s Zoe um
Kelly did not have me call however I just listened to Eminem in her car and
It is the most DISGUSTING, thing I have ever heard in my entire life
And I seriously wanna call his fucking agent
And tell him how FUCKING disgusting he is
It like makes me upset
I’m now nauseous and I can’t eat lunch

[ Ending EMINEM feat. Zoe – Bitch (Skit) ]

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