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Lirik Lagu OF MONTREAL – Disconnect The Dots
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OF MONTREAL – Disconnect The Dots

Lirik Lagu OF MONTREAL – Disconnect The Dots di Posting Oleh : Data Lirik

[ Intro Lagu OF MONTREAL – Disconnect The Dots ]

Come disconnect the dots with me, poppet! Come disconnect the dots…
Come disconnect the dots with me, poppet! Come disconnect the dots…

It’s so beautiful
Our lunacy
It’s so beautiful

Come disconnect the dots with me, poppet! Come disconnect the dots…
Come disconnect the dots with me, poppet! Come disconnect the dots…

It’s so beautiful
Our lunacy
It’s so beautiful

La, la la la, la la…

Come disconnect the dots with me, poppet! Come disconnect the dots…
Come disconnect the dots with me, poppet! Come disconnect the dots…

[ Ending OF MONTREAL – Disconnect The Dots ]

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