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Lirik Lagu OF MONTREAL – Exorcismic Breeding Knife
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OF MONTREAL – Exorcismic Breeding Knife

Lirik Lagu OF MONTREAL – Exorcismic Breeding Knife di Posting Oleh : Data Lirik

[ Intro Lagu OF MONTREAL – Exorcismic Breeding Knife ]

There’s flash of dead eyed in these horse faced hours of ours
Don’t let this be how I’ll be remembered

The truest humanity seems to be in dialogue
Torn to paper shredded cowboy menace
True love never hated
The two donkey childs that will be remembered for our hearing

Is there a therapist?
Is there a psychosis?
Is there a comedy outside?
How can you perform, how can you operate?
Is there a solution then?
Why is there an apocalyse?
There’s no such thing

How can you operate, how can you perform, how can you exploit?
How can you operate, how can you operate, how can you perform?
How… can you operate, how can you perform?
How can you operate, how can you perform?

[ Ending OF MONTREAL – Exorcismic Breeding Knife ]

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