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Lirik Lagu PRISCILLA AHN – I Don’t Think So
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PRISCILLA AHN – I Don’t Think So

Lirik Lagu PRISCILLA AHN – I Don’t Think So di Posting Oleh : Data Lirik

[ Intro Lagu PRISCILLA AHN – I Don’t Think So ]

1, 2 3, 4

Girl, you been looking at him
A little too long
For me to be your friend
And boy, you been looking at her
A little too sure
For me to be yours

And I’ve been a little too nice, I know
You probably thought that we were just a show
But you better listen up
You better listen close
I don’t think so

I, I think I should go
I can feel your eyes
Look and me and the door
Oh I can take a hint
Oh I can take a clue
You’re giving me the go, sir
You’re giving me the boot

And I’ve been a little too nice, I know
You probably thought that we were just a show
But you left me utterly confused
I am not here for you to use

So, you better listen up
You better listen close
I don’t think so

[ Ending PRISCILLA AHN – I Don’t Think So ]

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