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Lirik Lagu 3rd Root - Wah Wah
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3rd Root - Wah Wah

Lirik Lagu 3rd Root - Wah Wah di Posting Oleh : Data Lirik

[ Intro Lagu 3rd Root - Wah Wah ]

just don't say no
i just wanna play
and can you even see
eyes closed but they talk to me
'cause i know of a place that i trust
if you could only see
eyes closed but they talk to me so

it just doesn't matter anymore
'cause what i see and what i feel is real
i can't hide these things inside of me
so ask me how i feel

and i see you
in the crowd just by my side
and can you even see
that i'm anguished and your just killing me
'cause i know of a place that i trust
if you could only see
eyes closed but they talk to me so

it just doesn't matter anymore
'cause what i see and what i feel is real
i can't hide these things inside of me
so ask me how i feel

pushed and shoved
used and abused
oh GOD
oh please, would you
hear my cry

are you in a lie
as the souls now
and they cry and they cry and they cry
hey kid, do you see
do you feel
do you believe

[ Ending 3rd Root - Wah Wah ]

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