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Lirik Lagu THE DEAR HUNTER – What Time Taught Us
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THE DEAR HUNTER – What Time Taught Us

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[ Intro Lagu THE DEAR HUNTER – What Time Taught Us ]

Love you crawl, it’s all coming back now,
But the thing of it is, that it never really was.
Intuition never suited, so I kept it outside.

Be alive, cause nothing last for good or like you thought it would,
Nothings as it seems or what you though it’d be.

Alive, cause nothing last for good, or like you thought it would,
Nothings as it seems or what you thought it’d be.

Alive, cause nothing last for good or like you thought it would,
Nothings as it seems or what you thought it’d be.

Alive, cause nothing last for good or like you thought it would,
Nothings as it seems or what you thought it’d be.

Alive, cause nothing last for good or like you thought it would.
Nothings as it seems or what you thought it’d be.

Alive, cause nothing last for good or like you thought it would,
Nothings as it seems or what you thought it’d be.

[ Ending THE DEAR HUNTER – What Time Taught Us ]

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