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Lirik Lagu 22-Pistepirkko - Papa
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22-Pistepirkko - Papa

Lirik Lagu 22-Pistepirkko - Papa di Posting Oleh : Data Lirik

[ Intro Lagu 22-Pistepirkko - Papa ]

don’t be afraid
my little angel
I won’t let you go
don’t be afraid my little angel
they not gonna get you
don’t worry my sweet angel
daddy trow away
all the bad boys
daddy thow away
all the bad boys
I promised your mother
to take care of you
you look so much like her
she meant so much to me
you mean so much to me
you look so much like her
don’t be afraid
my little angel
I won’t anything happen to you

[ Ending 22-Pistepirkko - Papa ]

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