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Lirik Lagu 311 - Frolic Room
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311 - Frolic Room

Lirik Lagu 311 - Frolic Room di Posting Oleh : Data Lirik

[ Intro Lagu 311 - Frolic Room ]

I like to mix with walks of life
Who live life on the other side
Pulling muscles from their shells
A place to some that looks like hell

Oh, a classic song that the jukebox is on has me grooving
The faces here make it so surreal

Oh, in the company of __
One drink away from sleeping on the pavement
What I find so appealing
__ about the happy hour feeling

A party
After party
Till it started to get __
Another and another, what are we celebrating

There’s always something not to miss
Diving back in the abyss
And it gets so very stale
But tomorrows a new tale
In the frolic room
And I’m drunk to the night
And its ___

Oh, in the company of the privileged and the nearly dead
Mixing like a cocktail of your spirits __
In the danger zone is where you’ll find me
In the __

A party
After party
Till it started to get __
Another and another, what are we celebrating

There’s always something not to miss
Diving back in the abyss
And it gets so very stale
But tomorrows a new tale
In the frolic room
And I’m drunk to the night
And its ___

[ Ending 311 - Frolic Room ]

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