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Lirik Lagu 311 - It's Getting OK Now
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311 - It's Getting OK Now

Lirik Lagu 311 - It's Getting OK Now di Posting Oleh : Data Lirik

[ Intro Lagu 311 - It's Getting OK Now ]

There will come a time
When men will ??
I will take my last breath
And on that day
I'll be dying

At that time will I feel at ease
Will I dream and be at peace
These are things that no one knows
Come on help me now

Why must I think of this until I find
Peace and quiet in the clouding of my mind
There are times but I never come around
I can tell things are getting ok now

What if there is no ending
Turn from where we've been
To a place where all we can see is
Light pouring in

Am I really all that far
Far removed from that ending part
Or just a little closer to
The galaxy's misty heart

Why must I think of this until I find
Peace and quiet in the clouding of my mind
There are times but I never come around
I can tell things are getting ok now

Why must I think of this until I find
Peace and quiet in the clouding of my mind
There are times but I never come around
I can tell things are getting ok now

[ Ending 311 - It's Getting OK Now ]

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