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Lirik Lagu 5 Chinese Brothers - Nothing But Time
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5 Chinese Brothers - Nothing But Time

Lirik Lagu 5 Chinese Brothers - Nothing But Time di Posting Oleh : Data Lirik

[ Intro Lagu 5 Chinese Brothers - Nothing But Time ]

For everyone who had a chance and blew it
For everyone who knew what he had to do
And couldn't do it
When every little bit of hope
Turns into a cloud of smoke
You'd swear that you can't take no more
But you've been wrong before
I've got nothing but time
But time is all I've got
And all my time is free
I've got nothing but time
But time is all I've got
Till time runs out on me
When everyone who you call your friend
Will stick with you right from the start
But not until the end
Nothing hurts like broken trust
No one said this world is just
When every vow you've heard is broken
There's still one that's left unspoken
If you look at all I'm sure you'll find
There's no such thing as peace of mind
I used to try to be prepared
Now I'm not scared of being scared

[ Ending 5 Chinese Brothers - Nothing But Time ]

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