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Lirik Lagu 69 Eyes - Always
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69 Eyes - Always

Lirik Lagu 69 Eyes - Always di Posting Oleh : Data Lirik

[ Intro Lagu 69 Eyes - Always ]

Come and get me sucker bite down
One step more and I'll blow your head around
I ain't got nothing for you
Better believe what I'm tellin' you
I've been runnin' thru the world with a gun in my back
Never got a ride in a Cadillac
Now look out scum here I come
Down to kill like a son of a gun
You can try to tell me what is right or wrog
It so easy to see thru you
I never ever learned at school
To play their rules
Unlike all those jackass fools
Standin' blind in the line
They got their heads from the same mould
And doin' exactly as they're told
But hey that ain't for me
Still at war with apathy
Doncha try to tell me what is right or wrong
'Cuz it so easy to see thru you

[ Ending 69 Eyes - Always ]

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