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Lirik Lagu 69 Eyes - Radical
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69 Eyes - Radical

Lirik Lagu 69 Eyes - Radical di Posting Oleh : Data Lirik

[ Intro Lagu 69 Eyes - Radical ]

It's not the morning
it's not the dawn
the daylight savings reminds me of the fall
I'd like to stay here all night long
but the time is near
and the summer's almost gone
Don't ask me why
I don't want to feel like forever young anymore
just catch my fall before I crawl on the floor
It's not the morning
t's not the dawn
the daylight savings reminds me of the fall
I'd like to stay here all night long
but my time is near
and my summer's almost gone
Don't ask me....
Is it so radical - after all

[ Ending 69 Eyes - Radical ]

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