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Lirik Lagu 7 Seconds - One Big Guessing Game
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7 Seconds - One Big Guessing Game

Lirik Lagu 7 Seconds - One Big Guessing Game di Posting Oleh : Data Lirik

[ Intro Lagu 7 Seconds - One Big Guessing Game ]

we're getting old, no big surprise. you stress on it, and you despise. the fact that someday we all die and daily you keep asking yourself why? just try and do your best. it's all just one big guess. and make the best of things. you better make it last. you're lazy, what's that all about? try walking down some other route. so many questions, too many doubts. but you just let them take you down and out. just try and do your best. it's all just one big guess. and make the best of things. you better make it last. wo oh oh oh... just try and do your best. it's all just one big guess. and make the best of things. you better make it last.

[ Ending 7 Seconds - One Big Guessing Game ]

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