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Lirik Lagu 7 Seconds - Sooner or Later
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7 Seconds - Sooner or Later

Lirik Lagu 7 Seconds - Sooner or Later di Posting Oleh : Data Lirik

[ Intro Lagu 7 Seconds - Sooner or Later ]

both of us too fucking stubborn. neither is willing to give just a little. ramming our heads into nothing. winning a war that is non-existent. sooner or later will we work together? who knows? or will we resign to the fact that that's just how it goes? you're seeing things in your own way. while i'm seeing things in the opposite. and we think we're so fucking different. unwilling to buckle or deal with it. sooner or later will we work together? who knows? or will we resign to the fact that that's just how it goes? sooner or later will we work together? who knows? or will we resign to the fact that that's just how it goes? sooner or later will we work together? who knows? or will we resign to the fact that that's just how it goes?

[ Ending 7 Seconds - Sooner or Later ]

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