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Lirik Lagu 7 Seconds - What If There's War In America
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7 Seconds - What If There's War In America

Lirik Lagu 7 Seconds - What If There's War In America di Posting Oleh : Data Lirik

[ Intro Lagu 7 Seconds - What If There's War In America ]

A street with bodies, filled with guts,
Child's world is such a mess.
One bomb could rip this place apart,
Yet who's to blame, where'd it start.
America's! War! (x2)
Just one more war by '84,
It's killin' me and killin' you.
These enemies want a little taste
Of what's left of American waste.
(Repeat Chorus)
Our government, they gave the world,
With non of our voices ever heard,
A silence first and then a scream,
So much for the American Dream.
(Repeat Chorus x4)

[ Ending 7 Seconds - What If There's War In America ]

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