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Lirik Lagu 8stops7 - Wider
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8stops7 - Wider

Lirik Lagu 8stops7 - Wider di Posting Oleh : Data Lirik

[ Intro Lagu 8stops7 - Wider ]

Missed the meeting, missed the meeting
Where my friends discussed why
I'm not around, i'm not around
You say i don't know who my real friends are
All i know is my real friends aren't
Talking behind my back, talking behind my back

Assuming things before they even ask me
Why i'm not behaving like i should
In their mind's eye, but they don't even know me
And i don't think they ever could

Missed the meeting, missed the meeting
Where my friends discussed why
I'm not around, i'm not around
If it's really important for you to say
Then you can say it to my face
Stop hiding out, stop hiding out


Maybe you fear what you don't know
And it hurts too much just to let it g

[ Ending 8stops7 - Wider ]

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