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Lirik Lagu A Thousand Falling Skies - Almost Heaven (Intro)
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A Thousand Falling Skies - Almost Heaven (Intro)

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[ Intro Lagu A Thousand Falling Skies - Almost Heaven (Intro) ]

I packed my bags and caught the next train to this mountain side
Where i could watch the sun set with tears in my eyes
I can sit here for days letting the cancer fill my lungs
Letting the tears wash away the pain that i always seem to mask behind a
Where I could watch the sun set with tears in my eyes [x4]
Yesterday seemed so important to me
and today i lost myself within myself
How could i get lost in what was mine
Rivers run there course,I guess
and sometimes i just run
but today i never stopped
i never stopped running from you

[ Ending A Thousand Falling Skies - Almost Heaven (Intro) ]

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