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Lirik Lagu A1 - Nothing But Trouble
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A1 - Nothing But Trouble

Lirik Lagu A1 - Nothing But Trouble di Posting Oleh : Data Lirik

[ Intro Lagu A1 - Nothing But Trouble ]

Let me tell you about this girl that once was mine
Once upon a time she's nothing but trouble.

Up till now, was a man of common senses.
Funny on how i just give up on my defenses, but she's one of a kind.
Just a girl that could easily twist your mind, but right now it feels so fine.

She's nothing but trouble
Trouble's her name.
She's driving me crazy, it's kind of insane.
I'm searching for reason, to let her go.
Cause somewhere inside of me i know. she's nothing but trouble.

Everyone says i'll playing a game with fire, it's too late i'll just caught up
My desire.
Cause she's one of a kind, just a girl that could easily twist your mind.
But right now it feels so fine.

When i look in her eyes, it's just hard to anyone's advice.
But somewhere i realize.
[chorus: repeat till end]

[ Ending A1 - Nothing But Trouble ]

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