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Lirik Lagu Aaron Spiro - Surrender
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Aaron Spiro - Surrender

Lirik Lagu Aaron Spiro - Surrender di Posting Oleh : Data Lirik

[ Intro Lagu Aaron Spiro - Surrender ]

Enough of the fighting
Day after day
I’ve hit the wall
Trying to live my way
I’ve been running
I’m wearing thin
This is where I stop
And where you begin

I surrender
I lie down
I give up
Enough of the bleeding
My chest hurts
From all this digging

Under my dirt
I’m in a struggle
Tearing me apart
Is this just madness?
Or the changing of my heart?


Into your arms I crumble
Into your arms I crawl
Into your arms I stumble
Letting go you catch my fall

[ Ending Aaron Spiro - Surrender ]

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