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Lirik Lagu Aaron Tippin - Let's Talk About You
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Aaron Tippin - Let's Talk About You

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[ Intro Lagu Aaron Tippin - Let's Talk About You ]

(aaron tippin/buddy brock)

Baby, you make me feel like a million dollar bill
And you cute little smile's driving me hog wild
Yeah, i'm one lucky dog that just can't lose
But that's enough about me
Let's talk about you

Let's talk about the way i love your walk
Talk about the way that i love your talk
Did i happen to mention that i love everything you do
That's enough about me
Let's talk about you

Your sweet loving ways just make my day
And that twinkle in your eye's keeping me up at night
Oh, i love this life i'm living
Thanks to you know who
But that's enough about me
Let's talk about you

Let's talk about the way i love your walk
Talk about the way that i love your talk
Did i happen to mention that i love everything you do
That's enough about me
Let's talk about you

I just can't say enough about your sweet love
I could your praise 'til i'm blue in the face
I could ramble on and on like a babbling fool
But that's enough about me
Let's talk about you

Let's talk about the way i love your walk
Talk about the way that i love your talk
Did i happen to mention that i love everything you do
That's enough about me
Let's talk about you

Let's talk about you
Let's talk about you
Let's talk about you

[ Ending Aaron Tippin - Let's Talk About You ]

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