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Aaron Tippin - She's Got A Way Of Makin' Me Forget

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[ Intro Lagu Aaron Tippin - She's Got A Way Of Makin' Me Forget ]

(aaron tippin/charlie craig)

She said when she found me i was barely hanging on
To the memory of a love that had been long gone
There must have been somebody else i don't remember who it is
'cause she's got a way of makin' me forget

When she takes me in her arms i get lost in time
She takes complete control of my heart and my mind
I'm not haunted by the past old memories or regrets
Oh she's got a way of makin' me forget

She's taught me that tomorrow is a reason to live
Don't blame and accuse just love and forgive
Now every grudge i ever had no longer exists
'cause she's got a way of makin' me forget

When she takes me in her arms i get lost in time
She takes complete control of my heart and my mind
I'm not haunted by the past old memories or regrets
Oh she's got a way of makin' me forget

Oh she's got a way of makin' me forget

She said when she found me i was barely hanging on
To the memory of a love that had been long gone
There must have been somebody else i don't remember who it is
'cause she's got a way of makin' me forget

Oh she's got a way of makin' me forget

[ Ending Aaron Tippin - She's Got A Way Of Makin' Me Forget ]

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