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Lirik Lagu Aaron Watson - I'm a Memory
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Aaron Watson - I'm a Memory

Lirik Lagu Aaron Watson - I'm a Memory di Posting Oleh : Data Lirik

[ Intro Lagu Aaron Watson - I'm a Memory ]

I'm a game that you used to play
And I'm a plan that you didn't lay so well
And I'm a fire that burns in your mind
So close your eyes I'm a memory

I'm a love that you bought for a song
And I'm a voice on a green telephone
And I'm a day that lasted so long
So close your eyes I'm a memory

I'm a dream that comes with the night
And I'm a face that fades with the light
And I'm a tear that falls out of sight
So close your eyes I'm a memory

I'm a love that you bought for a song
And I'm a voice on a green telephone
And I'm a day that lasted so long
So close your eyes I'm a memory

[ Ending Aaron Watson - I'm a Memory ]

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