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Lirik Lagu Abaddon Incarnate - Raping Ground
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Abaddon Incarnate - Raping Ground

Lirik Lagu Abaddon Incarnate - Raping Ground di Posting Oleh : Data Lirik

[ Intro Lagu Abaddon Incarnate - Raping Ground ]

Drag the angels dowm from heaven
Infinite Sodom and firefuck awaits
Tear their wings from angelic flesh
Bitch angels scream for mercy
Tremendous agony in the raping ground
My hommunculus in gnashing cunnifingus
Cunt diabolus behold majestic rape war in hell
I personally executed the jesu worm
I laughed as his brain fell from his holy fucking head
I personally saw to the Virgin Mary, I Laughed She wept
Sick indulgence, depravity, majestic debauchery
Great War in the raping ground

[ Ending Abaddon Incarnate - Raping Ground ]

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