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Lirik Lagu Abigor - Untamed Devastation
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Abigor - Untamed Devastation

Lirik Lagu Abigor - Untamed Devastation di Posting Oleh : Data Lirik

[ Intro Lagu Abigor - Untamed Devastation ]

The limit is reached - untamed devastation
Moving down every breathing entity
Our wrath - our weapons are too real to ignore
Mercy - a forgotten word
aimless, blind ... just storming 'gainst everything
The gods you banished in the ancient days
Have still been worshipped by ones you fear
They gathered powr which you now loose
As your god fails by your side
The two ravens are there to pick your eyes
As we cry out the names of the pagan gods

[ Ending Abigor - Untamed Devastation ]

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