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Lirik Lagu Abysmal - Hymn Xvi (Out of My Flesh)
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Abysmal - Hymn Xvi (Out of My Flesh)

Lirik Lagu Abysmal - Hymn Xvi (Out of My Flesh) di Posting Oleh : Data Lirik

[ Intro Lagu Abysmal - Hymn Xvi (Out of My Flesh) ]

Oh Darkness,
I will give the throne onto him
Of Darkness,
I am harvesting the growth of my first spring
Of Darkness,
Through me you gave him the life
Of Darkness,
One world shadowed in me
Throught you - the birth of the Pillorian Age
Throught you - the sand of the Gallow's Land
Throught you - the rest of Velvet Pilloria
Throught you - I will pass on my given oath
So I am falling my son
For my mission is done
My visions and you became one
Out of my flesh... shall build the town

[ Ending Abysmal - Hymn Xvi (Out of My Flesh) ]

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