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Lirik Lagu Accept - Get Ready
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Accept - Get Ready

Lirik Lagu Accept - Get Ready di Posting Oleh : Data Lirik

[ Intro Lagu Accept - Get Ready ]

I say come on
Can you stand the heat
You feel the flames
Burning in the streets

Get it on - get it on

The stars of heaven
Will fall today
You'll know the devil you know
Had his day

Hell what a night - get ready
Hell what a night - hey
Take your pick - get the kick
It's gonna be hell tonight


A lightning blitz
Comes raging down
You go running
For higher ground

Get it on - get it on

Hear me tonight
Your blood runs cold
A killer guitar
Screams in your soul

Hell what a night - get ready
Hell what a night - hey
Take your pick - get the kick
It's gonna be hell tonight - yeah

Get it on - get it on
Get it on - get it on
It's coming on

Hell what a night - get ready
Hell what a night - hey
Take your pick - get the kick
It's gonna be hell tonight

Hell what a night - get ready
Hell what a night - hey
Take your pick - get the kick
It's gonna be hell tonight
It's gonna be hell tonight

[ Ending Accept - Get Ready ]

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