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Lirik Lagu AC/DC - Can't Stand Still
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AC/DC - Can't Stand Still

Lirik Lagu AC/DC - Can't Stand Still di Posting Oleh : Data Lirik

[ Intro Lagu AC/DC - Can't Stand Still ]

(young - young)
When i see a pretty woman
You know it gives me a thrill
And she's a tailor made to order
You know i can't stand still
And you won't need a doctor
'cause it'll cure all ills

And when i hear a noisy party
You know it gives me a chill
It gets me rockin' and a rollin'
And i can't stand still
From morning 'till midnight
You know i can't stand still

You know i can't stand still
I can't stand still
You know i can't stand still
I can't stand still
From morning 'till midnight
You know i can't stand still, oh yeah

When it comes to sippin' honey
You know i drink my fill
And i'll be dancin' on the water
You know i can't stand still
From morning 'till midnight
You know i can't stand still, oh yeah

You know i can't stand still
I can't stand still
I can't stand still
You know i can't stand still
From morning 'till midnight
You know i can't stand still

You know i can't stand still
I can't stand still
Baby i can't stand still
I just can't stand still
From morning 'till midnight
You know i can't
You know i can't stand still

Thank you lads, thank you lads, thank you

[ Ending AC/DC - Can't Stand Still ]

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