(razor's edge)
There's fighting on the left
And marching on the right
Don't look up in the sky
You're gonna die of fright
Here comes the razors edge
You're living on the edge
Don't know wrong from right
They're breathing down your neck
You're running out of lives
And here comes the razors edge
Here comes the razors edge
The razors edge
Razors edge, to raise the dead
Razors edge, to cut to shreds
To raise the dead
Here comes the razors edge
Here comes the razors edge
Well here it comes to cut to shreds
The razors edge
The razors edge [it's the razor's edge]
Gotta razors edge [well, the razor's edge]
You'll be cut to shreds [that you'll be cut to shreds]
By the razors edge [gotta razor's edge]
Gotta razors edge [by the razor's edge]
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AC/DC - The Razors Edge
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