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Lirik Lagu Acid Drinkers - Seek & Destroy
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Acid Drinkers - Seek & Destroy

Lirik Lagu Acid Drinkers - Seek & Destroy di Posting Oleh : Data Lirik

[ Intro Lagu Acid Drinkers - Seek & Destroy ]

We're scanning the scene in the city tonight
we're looking for you to start up the fight
oh, there is an evil feeling in our brains
but it's nothing new, you know it drives us insane
Running on your way
Hiding you will pay
dying one thousands deaths
Searching... seek and destroy
There is no escape and that's for sure
this is the end we won't take anymore
say good-bye to the world you live-in
you've always been taking but now you're givin
Running on your way
Hiding you will pay
dying one thousands deaths
Searching... seek and destroy

[ Ending Acid Drinkers - Seek & Destroy ]

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