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Lirik Lagu Act Fast - Red Licorice
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Act Fast - Red Licorice

Lirik Lagu Act Fast - Red Licorice di Posting Oleh : Data Lirik

[ Intro Lagu Act Fast - Red Licorice ]

This is it
We're all going down
What would be next
What unsuspecting town
Trajedies have come and gone
What horrors lay in the dark
The echo of another shot
Another psycho makes his mark

This is when we all fall
When everyday kids
Are dying in hs halls
Children lying dead
It seems that everyday
Another hate filled kid
Another trajedy

What a way to end it
With drug dealers and gangs
Living amongst us
Causing violence and hate
With ignorant parents
Missing every sign
Another kid with a gun
How many more have to die

[ Ending Act Fast - Red Licorice ]

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